Softpedia Gives CinemaDrape an Excellent Editor's Review Award

Reviews are sources of a great deal of inspiration for developers. Aurelitec's screen area focus aid app, CinemaDrape, received an Excellent Editor's Review award and a 5-star rating from Softpedia editors, which we were very glad to receive. Though under Romanian ownership, Softpedia is a site that caters to English speakers and is a globally trusted download source with billions of downloads served. It is also one of the most visited sites by Romanians.

The elaborate review starts out by describing CinemaDrape as a "nifty piece of software that can help increase your focus on the task at hand, without being distracted by other windows on the screen."

We all know how easy it is to get distracted from the task we are supposed to be paying attention to while online. The catchy images of modern advertising techniques, tempting invitations sent through notifications, or just additional interesting content can quickly take our attention away.

CinemaDrape offers you a way to overcome that obstacle by "applying a veil on the entire screen, except for a user-defined area." If this sounds too simple to be an effective solution, here is what the editors say in this connection: "while writing or reading a longer paper or watching a video without advertisements catching your eye is indeed a notable improvement."

It is very easy to use CinemaDrape. Download, install, and run it (it's also available in a portable version), and there's a quick guide to help you navigate the app. But you may find, just like the editors did, that the intuitive set of options lets you "easily discover the capabilities of the program on your own." Basically, all you need to do is create focus areas (as many as you like) "by simply defining a rectangle with the mouse."

The review goes on to talk about other noteworthy features of the app, such as the automatic detection of application windows, recognizing the area under the cursor, which "comes in handy when watching videos online," or the option of saving custom configurations and shortcuts.

As a conclusion, Softpedia editors highlighted that CinemaDrape is a free, portable app; it is easy to work with; and it is "versatile enough to allow access to the programs behind the drape and to easily control the areas that should be highlighted." Read the full review on the Softpedia website.

Posted on June 4, 2013

Last updated on January 26, 2023