PCGuide's How-to: Fixing Dead Pixels With Pixelhealer

We are excited to share that PixelHealer, our app for fixing dead pixels on LCD or TFT screens, has been featured in an article on PCGuide, a leading online resource for information about personal computers and consumer technology. The article, entitled "How to fix dead pixels" discusses various methods for potentially fixing dead pixels on a monitor, and among the options presented, PixelHealer is highlighted as a reliable and easy-to-use solution. The article is part of the "Monitor How To" section on PCGuide, which is dedicated to providing helpful guides and tips for users on how to troubleshoot and maintain their computer monitors.

The article explains how PixelHealer can be used to fix dead, stuck, or hot pixels on LCD or TFT screens on desktop monitors, laptops, or tablets. The user can use PixelHealer's InjuredPixels portable app to check the screen or tablet for dead, stuck, or hot pixels, then download and run PixelHealer without installation, cover the dead pixel with the colored repair window, and click Start Flashing. The repair window should run for a while, then check to see if the dead pixel has been fixed or revived, and repeat the process if necessary.

The article also notes the app's user-friendly interface and its flexibility in settings, with options to change the flashing colors, the flashing interval, or to automatically close the app after a certain period of time. This feature is particularly useful for those who want to fix the dead pixels but don't have the time to constantly monitor the repair process. Additionally, the fact that PixelHealer requires no installation and can be run directly after downloading makes it an accessible and convenient option for users.

The article on PCGuide is a testament to the effectiveness of PixelHealer in fixing dead pixels and the app's user-friendly nature. It highlights the importance of having options available for users to fix dead pixels on their own, without having to rely on costly repairs or replacements.

We are proud to have our app recognized by PCGuide, a reputable website that provides valuable information and resources to technology enthusiasts. This feature on PixelHealer will help more users discover the app and benefit from its capabilities. We are confident that the article will assist users in finding the best solution for their dead pixel problem, and we are grateful for the opportunity to be featured on PCGuide.

We encourage our users to check out the article on PCGuide and learn more about the different methods for fixing dead pixels, including our very own PixelHealer. And remember that if you have any question or issue, you can always contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Posted on June 4, 2021