Cinemadrape: An Italian Blogger's Recommendation To Avoid Distractions

"Come Evitare di Distrarsi Mentre si Lavora con il Pc": How to Avoid Distracting Oneself While Working on a Computer—This is how our CinemaDrape app was recently featured on Mauro Donzelli's blog. The Italian blogger, who primarily writes about technology and other topics that interest him, highlights the problems that frequent computer use can cause and how CinemaDrape can help with these issues.

Mauro describes CinemaDrape as "useful software that allows us to darken a certain area of the screen, leaving only the area we are actually working on visible" (translated from Italian). The distracting noise of the background can be removed with the use of CinemaDrape, he adds. He then talks about the different ways you can customize the app, like how you can choose the color of the drape and change how transparent it is.

As always, it's nice to see our work recognized by others in the tech community (especially in other languages!). Thank you to Mauro Donzelli for letting his Italian readers know about CinemaDrape and what it is useful for. "Utilissimo per chi non vuole buttare via tempo prezioso a causa di distrazioni sempre più tentatrici": extremely useful for those who do not want to waste valuable time due to increasingly tempting distractions. True indeed.

If you haven't tried CinemaDrape yet and are looking for a tool to eliminate distractions and improve productivity, give it a try. And if you're an Italian speaker, be sure to check out the original blog post!

Posted on October 14, 2020

Last updated on January 25, 2023